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Qubit Architecture with High Coherence and Fast Tunable Coupling

Chen, Yu ; Neill, C ; Roushan, P ; Leung, N ; Fang, M ; Barends, R ; Kelly, J ; Campbell, B ; Chen, Z ; Chiaro, B ; Dunsworth, A ; Jeffrey, E ; Megrant, A ; Mutus, J Y ; O'Malley, P J J ; Quintana, C M ; Sank, D ; Vainsencher, A ; Wenner, J ; White, T C ; Geller, Michael R ; Cleland, A N ; Martinis, John M

Physical review letters, 2014-11, Vol.113 (22), p.220502-220502, Article 220502 [Periódico revisado por pares]

United States

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