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C-phycocyanin to overcome the multidrug resistance phenotype in human erythroleukemias with or without interaction with ABC transporters

Fernandes e Silva, E. ; Figueira, F.S. ; Cañedo, A.D. ; Machado, K.S. ; Salgado, M.T.S.F. ; Silva, T.K. ; Wagner, E.F. ; Mattozo, F.H. ; Lima, É.A. ; Sales-Neto, J.M. ; Ferreira, V.U. ; Comitre, A.A. ; Mascarenhas, S.R. ; Kalil, S.J. ; Votto, A.P.S.

Biomedicine & pharmacotherapy, 2018-10, Vol.106, p.532-542 [Periódico revisado por pares]

France: Elsevier Masson SAS

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