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1025P DOcetaxel (DOC) plus RAmucirumab (RAM) with pegylated Granulocyte-colONy stimulating factor (PEG-G-CSF) for elderly patients with advanced non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC): A phase II trial (DRAGON study: WJOG9416L)

Tokito, T. ; Hata, A. ; Hara, S. ; Tachihara, M. ; Okada, H. ; Tanaka, H. ; Sato, Y. ; Tabata, E. ; Watanabe, H. ; Takayama, Y. ; Toyozawa, R. ; Okamoto, I. ; Wakuda, K. ; Nakamura, A. ; Shimokawa, M. ; Yamamoto, N. ; Nakagawa, K.

Annals of oncology, 2022-09, Vol.33, p.S1023-S1024 [Periódico revisado por pares]

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