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A double rigidity transition rules the fate of drying colloidal drops
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A double rigidity transition rules the fate of drying colloidal drops

Milani, M ; Phou, T ; Ligoure, C ; Cipelletti, L ; Ramos, L, 2023-08

Ithaca: Cornell University Library,

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Multiple-excitation study of the double-resonance Raman bands in rhombohedral graphite
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Multiple-excitation study of the double-resonance Raman bands in rhombohedral graphite

Sergio L L M Ramos ; Pimenta, Marcos A ; Champi, Ana, 2020-10

Ithaca: Cornell University Library,

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Study of the effects of radiation on the CMS Drift Tubes Muon Detector for the HL-LHC
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Study of the effects of radiation on the CMS Drift Tubes Muon Detector for the HL-LHC

Abbiendi, G ; A Álvarez Fernández ; B Álvarez González ; Amapane, N ; Bachiller, I ; Bencze, G ; Beni, N ; Blanco Ramos, L C ; Boletti, A ; Bragagnolo, A ; Cafaro, V ; Calderon, A ; Calvo, E ; Cappati, A ; Carlin, R ; Cavallo, F R ; Cela Ruiz, J M ; Cepeda, M ; Cerrada, M ; B Chazin Quero ; Ciano, L ; Colino, N ; Corti, D ; Cotto, G ; Cuffiani, M ; DeRemigis, P ; Fabbri, F ; Fanfani, A ; Fasanella, D ; Bedoya, C F ; de Trocóniz, J F ; J Fernández Menéndez ; Fernández Ramos, J P ; Fouz, M C ; J García Romero ; Gasparini, U ; Ghosh, S ; Giordano, V ; F Gomez Casademunt ; Gonella, F ; I González Caballero ; González Fernández, J R ; S Goy López ; Gozzelino, A ; Griggio, A ; Grosso, G ; Guandalini, C ; Guiducci, L ; Hebbeker, T ; Iemmi, F ; Isocrate, R ; Josa, M I ; Kiani, B ; Lacaprara, S ; Marcellini, S ; Margoni, M ; Marín, J ; Martínez Morales, J J ; C Martínez Rivero ; Maselli, S ; Masetti, G ; Meneguzzo, A T ; Merschmeyer, M ; Mocellin, G ; Modenese, L ; Molinero, A ; Molnar, J ; Montecassiano, F ; Navarria, F ; Á Navarro Tobar ; Oller, J C ; Passaseo, M ; J Puerta Pelayo ; Pelliccioni, M ; Pozzobon, N ; Presilla, M ; Primavera, F ; Puras Sánchez, J C ; Redondo, I ; Reithler, H ; V Rodríguez Bouza ; Ronchese, P ; Rotondo, F ; Rovelli, T ; S Sánchez Navas ; Sastre, J ; Scodellaro, L ; Simonetto, F ; Soares, M S ; Staiano, A ; Szillasi, Z ; Teyssier, D F ; Torassa, E ; Trocino, D ; Ujvari, B ; R Vilar Cortabitarte ; Zanetti, M ; Zantis, F P ; Zilizi, G ; Zotto, P, 2019-12

Ithaca: Cornell University Library,

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Laboratory and telescope demonstration of the TP3-WFS for the adaptive optics segment of AOLI
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Laboratory and telescope demonstration of the TP3-WFS for the adaptive optics segment of AOLI

Colodro-Conde, C ; Velasco, S ; Valdivia, J J F ; López, R L ; Oscoz, A ; Rebolo, R ; Femenía, B ; King, D L ; Labadie, L ; Mackay, C ; Muthusubramanian, B ; A Pérez Garrido ; Puga, M ; Rodríguez-Coira, G ; Rodríguez-Ramos, L F ; Rodríguez-Ramos, J M ; Toledo-Moreo, R ; Villó-Pérez, I, 2017-01

Ithaca: Cornell University Library,

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Revisiting TrES-5 b: departure from a linear ephemeris instead of short-period transit timing variation
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Revisiting TrES-5 b: departure from a linear ephemeris instead of short-period transit timing variation

Maciejewski, G ; Fernandez, M ; Aceituno, F ; Ramos, J L ; Dimitrov, D ; Donchev, Z ; Ohlert, J, 2021-10

Ithaca: Cornell University Library,

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Leveraging Synthetic Data to Learn Video Stabilization Under Adverse Conditions
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Leveraging Synthetic Data to Learn Video Stabilization Under Adverse Conditions

Abdulrahman Kerim ; Ramos, Washington L S ; Leandro Soriano Marcolino ; Nascimento, Erickson R ; Jiang, Richard, 2022-08

Ithaca: Cornell University Library,

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High spatial resolution optical imaging of the multiple T Tauri system LkH{\alpha} 262/LkH{\alpha} 263
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High spatial resolution optical imaging of the multiple T Tauri system LkH{\alpha} 262/LkH{\alpha} 263

Velasco, S ; Rebolo, R ; Oscoz, A ; Mackay, C ; Labadie, L ; A Pérez Garrido ; Crass, J ; Díaz-Sánchez, A ; Femenía, B ; González-Escalera, V ; King, D L ; López, R L ; Puga, M ; Rodríguez-Ramos, L F ; Zuther, J, 2016-05

Ithaca: Cornell University Library,

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Personalizing Fast-Forward Videos Based on Visual and Textual Features from Social Network
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Personalizing Fast-Forward Videos Based on Visual and Textual Features from Social Network

Ramos, Washington L S ; Silva, Michel M ; Araujo, Edson R ; Neves, Alan C ; Nascimento, Erickson R, 2019-12

Ithaca: Cornell University Library,

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Retrieving Dust Grain Sizes from Photopolarimetry: An Experimental Approach
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Retrieving Dust Grain Sizes from Photopolarimetry: An Experimental Approach

Munoz, O ; Frattin, E ; Jardiel, T ; Gomez-Martin, J C ; Moreno, F ; Ramos, J L ; Guirado, D ; Peiteado, M ; Caballero, A C ; Milli, J ; Menard, F, 2021-09

Ithaca: Cornell University Library,

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The Generalized Weighted Lindley Distribution: Properties, Estimation and Applications
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The Generalized Weighted Lindley Distribution: Properties, Estimation and Applications

Ramos, P L ; Louzada, F, 2016-07

Ithaca: Cornell University Library,

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