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thesis_master IconDissertação de Mestrado  Eduardo Crevelário Carvalho A controvérsia sobre a geração espontânea entre Needham e Spallanzani implicações para o ensino de biologia 26/09/24 Note

article IconArtigo  Souza, Mateus B ; Mascarenhas, Rodrigo O ; Maia, Laisa B ; Fonseca, Letícia S ; Silva, Hytalo J ; de Zoete, Rutger M. J ; McAuley, James H ; Henschke, Nicholas ; Oliveira, Vinicius C Comparative efficacy and acceptability of non-pharmacological interventions in fibromyalgia: Protocol for a network meta-analysis 26/09/24 Note

article IconArtigo  Zanchett, Giliane ; Oliveira-Filho, Eduardo C Cyanobacteria and cyanotoxins: from impacts on aquatic ecosystems and human health to anticarcinogenic effects 26/09/24 Note

article IconArtigo  Monteiro, Maria Lúcia G ; Mársico, Eliane T ; Soares Junior, Manoel S ; Deliza, Rosires ; de Oliveira, Denize C R ; Conte-Junior, Carlos A Tilapia-waste flour as a natural nutritional replacer for bread: A consumer perspective 26/09/24 Note

article IconArtigo  Costa, B V L ; Menezes, M C ; Oliveira, C D L ; Mingoti, S A ; Jaime, P C ; Caiaffa, W T ; Lopes, A Does access to healthy food vary according to socioeconomic status and to food store type? an ecologic study 26/09/24 Note

article IconArtigo  Oliveira, Alexandre C ; Filipe, Hugo A L ; Loura, Luís M S Fluorescent Probes cis - and trans -Parinaric Acids in Fluid and Gel Lipid Bilayers: A Molecular Dynamics Study 26/09/24 Note

article IconArtigo  Victoria, Filipe C ; Maia, Luciano C. da ; Oliveira, Antonio C. de In silico comparative analysis of SSR markers in plants 26/09/24 Note

article IconArtigo  Oliveira-Filho, Eduardo C ; Grisolia, Cesar K The Ecotoxicology of Microbial Insecticides and Their Toxins in Genetically Modified Crops: An Overview 26/09/24 Note

article IconArtigo  Cerqueira, Daiane M ; Gomes, Marco Túlio R ; Silva, Alexandre L N ; Rungue, Marcella ; Assis, Natan R G ; Guimarães, Erika S ; Morais, Suellen B ; Broz, Petr ; Zamboni, Dario S ; Oliveira, Sergio Guanylate-binding protein 5 licenses caspase-11 for Gasdermin-D mediated host resistance to Brucella abortus infection 26/09/24 Note

article IconArtigo  Hadi, Sámed I I A ; Santana, Hugo ; Brunale, Patrícia P M ; Gomes, Taísa G ; Oliveira, Márcia D ; Matthiensen, Alexandre ; Oliveira, Marcos E C ; Silva, DNA Barcoding Green Microalgae Isolated from Neotropical Inland Waters 26/09/24 Note

book IconLivro  Pradip K Ghosh 1947- Technology policy and development a third world perspective 26/09/24 Note

article IconArtigo  Oliveira, Duarte C ; de Lencastre, Hermínia Methicillin-resistance in Staphylococcus aureus is not affected by the overexpression in trans of the mecA gene repressor: a surprising observation 26/09/24 Note