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Type  Author Title Added  
article IconArticle  Fernanda Pereira Gonzales Photodynamic inactivation of conidia of the fungi Metarhizium anisopliae and Aspergillus nidulans with methylene blue and toluidine blue 17/05/24 Note

article IconArticle  Fernanda Pereira Gonzales Photodynamic inactivation of conidia of the fungi Metarhizium anisopliae and Aspergillus nidulans with methylene blue and toluidine blue 17/05/24 Note

article IconArticle  C. M. Fernandes Functional characterization of the Aspergillus nidulans glucosylceramide pathway reveals that LCB Δ8-desaturation and C9-methylation are relevant to filamentous growth, lipid raft localization and Psd1 defensin activity 17/05/24 Note

article IconArticle  Aline Vianna Bernardi LPMO AfAA9_B and cellobiohydrolase AfCel6A from A. fumigatus boost enzymatic saccharification activity of cellulase cocktail 17/05/24 Note

article IconArticle  Matthew E. Mead Characterizing the pathogenic, genomic, and chemical traits of Aspergillus fischeri, a close relative of the major human fungal pathogen Aspergillus fumigatus 17/05/24 Note

article IconArticle  Miguel Gontijo Siqueira Palmieri Enhancement of antioxidant properties from green coffee as promising ingredient for food and cosmetic industries 17/05/24 Note

article IconArticle  Clara Isabel Valero Fernández Aspergillus fumigatus transcription factors involved in the caspofungin paradoxical effect 17/05/24 Note

article IconArticle  Laure Nicolas Annick Ries The Aspergillus fumigatus transcription factor RglT is important for gliotoxin biosynthesis and self-protection, and virulence 17/05/24 Note