The contradictions of an underdeveloped nation part2/4: Travellers’ views and the Brazilian national identity: Vídeo 2

The contradictions of an underdeveloped nation part2/4: Travellers’ views and the Brazilian national identity: Vídeo 2

  • Autor: Marco Antonio Bettine De Almeida
  • Assuntos: Mega Events; Sport; Brazil
  • Tipo de Vídeo: Aula
  • É parte de: Disciplina CAF5018-1
  • Descrição: Given this study’s focus upon international perspectives of Brazil, it is worth clarifying how national identity can be influenced by the perceptions of foreigners. The way we are seen is also a fundamental element for the definition of our own self-image The gaze of the foreigner has been present ever since the so-called discovery of Brazil, and has played an important role in the construction of the country’s self-image.
  • Títulos relacionados: Vídeo 2; Disciplina CAF5018-1
  • Editor: e-Aulas USP -
  • Data de criação/publicação: 2022-02-16
  • Formato: Vídeo
  • Idioma: PT BR