Hibridismo lingüístico en la Vasconia peninsular: sustrato vasco en el español

Hibridismo lingüístico en la Vasconia peninsular: sustrato vasco en el español

  • Autor: Abasolo, Karlos Cid
  • Assuntos: Basque people ; Language contact ; Linguistics ; Spanish language
  • É parte de: Revista de lengua y literatura catalana, gallega y vasca, 2013-01, Vol.18, p.263
  • Descrição: As it is known, a large part of the Peninsular Basque Country is home to two official languages, Spanish and Basque, from diverse origins (the former is Indo-European, while the latter is not). [...]the secular contact of these two languages and their enormous ductility have resulted in a remarkable mutual influence on each other at all linguistic levels, to the extent that it is reasonable to refer to them as «hybrid languages» and, in some cases, «neo-languages». Isasi, C. (2006) «A vueltas con el seseo vizcaíno y otras cuestiones de fonéti- ca y morfosintaxis», en J. A. Lakarra, J. I. Hualde, Studies in Basque and Historical Linguistics in Memory of R. L. Trask - R. L. Trasken oroitzape- netan ikerketak euskalaritzaz eta hiskuntzalaritza historikoaz, ASJu, XL, 531-547. www.ehu.es/ojs/index.php/ASJu/article/download/4412/4357 Klee, C. A. + Lynch A. (2009) El español en contacto con otras lenguas, Geor- getown University Press, pp. 39-55. Montgomery, T. (1977) «Basque models for some syntactic traits of the Poema de mio Cid», Bulletin of Hispanic studies, 54-2, pp. 95-100.
  • Editor: Madrid: Universidad Nacional de Educacion a Distancia (UNED)
  • Idioma: Espanhol