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Interconnections in the Eastern Mediterranean Lebanon in the Bronze and Iron Ages; Proceedings of the International Symposium Beirut 2008

Anne-Marie Maïla-Afeiche Red.; Symposium Interconnections in the Eastern Mediterranean - the Lebanon in the Bronze and Iron Ages (2008, Bairåut)

Beirut Ministère de la Culture, Dir. Générale des Antiquités 2009

Localização: MAE - Museu Arqueologia e Etnologia    (SÉRIE MONOGRÁFICA )(Acessar)

  • Título:
    Interconnections in the Eastern Mediterranean Lebanon in the Bronze and Iron Ages; Proceedings of the International Symposium Beirut 2008
  • Autor: Anne-Marie Maïla-Afeiche Red.; Symposium Interconnections in the Eastern Mediterranean - the Lebanon in the Bronze and Iron Ages (2008, Bairåut)
  • Notas: Vorw. auch arab.
  • Descrição: The early Bronze Age: foreign relations in the light of recent excavations at Tell Arqa / Jean-Paul Thalmann -- Byblos revisited / Muntaha Saghieh-Beydoun -- Seals and jars: the evidence of early interconnections in the Eastern Mediterranean / Stefania Mazzoni -- Échanges commerciaux et culturels au Levant durant le IVe millénaire à travers le prisme funéraire du site de Byblos / Gassia Artin -- Chipped stone tools from the Bronze Age in Lebanon / Corine Yazbeck -- L'urbanisation de Byblos dans son contexte régional au Bronze Ancien / Yasmine Makaroun Bou Assaf -- D'Ur à Byblos: les relations entre la Mésopotamie et le Levant aux Âges du Bronze Ancien et Moyen: l'apport des textes /Bertrand Lafont -- Tell Fadous-Kfarabida: regional connections in the early Bronze Age / Hermann Genz -- Temples and queens at Ebla: recent discoveries in a Syrian metropolis between Mesopotamia, Egypt and Levant / Paolo Matthiae -- Egypt and Lebanon: new evidence for cultural exchanges in the first half of 2nd millennium B.C. / Irene Forstner-Müller and Karin Kopetzky -- The eighteen century BC princes of Byblos and Ebla and the chronology of the Middle Bronze Age / Lorenzo Nigro -- Palace architecture in Tell el-Burak Lebanon: some evidence for Egyptian-Mesopotamian-Levantine interconnections / Hélène Sader -- Lebanon and protopalatial Crete: pottery, chronology and people / Alexander MacGillivray - Open cults and temples in Syria and the Levant / Frances Pinnock -- Near Eastern sanctuaries in the Eastern Nile Delta / Manfred Bietak -- Second millennium BC Levantine ceremonial feasts: Sidon, a case study / Les influences mésopotamiennes et anatoliennes sur le Levant durant le Bronze Moyen / Jean-Louis Huot -- The religions architecture in the Bronze Age: Middle Bronze Beirut and Late Bronze Tell Kazel / Leila Badre --
    La place de l'armement levantin en Méditerrannée orientale: influences, dynamiques et échanges au Bronze Ancien et Moyen (3300-1600 av. J.-C.) / Guillaume Gernez -- The many ways between Late Bronze Age Aegeans and Levants / Nicolle Hirschfeld -- Arqa and its regional connections redux / Hanan Charaf -- Imports, consumer goods, gifts or private property? The story behind the material evidence for external relations in Late Bronze Age Kumidi (Kamid el-Loz) / Marlies Heinz -- Interconnections between Cyprus and Lebanon from the Bronze Age to the end of the Archaic period / Vassos Karageorghis -- Quelques réflexions sur la géopolitique du Levant au deuxième millénaire av. J.-C. / Nicolas Grimal -- The Aegean and the Levant in the early Iron Age recent developments / Nota Kourou -- L'art de l'ivoire au Levant durant la période du Bronze Récent / Annie Caubet -- Remarques sur le vocabulaires cananéen de la region de Sidon et de Tyr à la fin de l'Âge du Bronze / Pierre Bordreuil -- From Knossos to Gawasis: stone anchors and symbolism / Honor Frost -- Tyre al-Bass imported material: typology and results / Francisco J. Nuñez and Maria Eugenia Aubet -- Le commerce de Byblos à l'Âge du Fer à la lumière du récit d'Ounamon et des données archéologiques / Grace Homsy-Gotwalles -- Phoenicians on the Balawat gates / John Curtis -- Phoenician metal-work up to date: Phoenician metal bowls with figural decoration in the Eastern Mediterranean, Near and Middle East and North Africa / Hartmut Matthäus -- The Phoenician temple at Tell Kazel (Sumur) /Eric Gubel -- La présence du panthéon phénicien à Chypre / Christina Ioannou -- Phoenicians between East and West / Gerta MaaB-Lindermann -- Phoenicians in the West: remarks on some Western Phoenician ceramic assemblages from Atlantic Iberia/ Eleftheria Pappa --
    Levantine iconology: was there a conscious figurative programme in the decoration of the Phoenician metal bowls? / Francesca Onnis -- Exposition au Musée National de Beyrouth: les échanges en Méditerrannée orientale, Le Liban aux Âges du Bronze et du Fer -- Anne-Marie Maïla-Afeiche
  • Títulos relacionados: Série: BAAL. Hors Série 6 Bulletin d'archéologie et d'architecture libanaises ; 6.; Bulletin d'archéologie et d'architecture libanaises / Hors-Série
  • Editor: Beirut Ministère de la Culture, Dir. Générale des Antiquités
  • Data de criação/publicação: 2009
  • Formato: 532 S. : Ill., Kt..
  • Idioma: Inglês;Árabe;Francês

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