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'D IND.N'-simetria em bifurcacao de pontos estacionarios

Miriam Garcia Manoel Maria Aparecida Soares Ruas


Available at ICMC - Inst. Ciên. Mat. Computação    (T M285d e.1 )(GetIt)

  • Title:
    'D IND.N'-simetria em bifurcacao de pontos estacionarios
  • Author: Miriam Garcia Manoel
  • Maria Aparecida Soares Ruas
  • Subjects: GEOMETRIA
  • Notes: Dissertação (Mestrado)
  • Description: The studies developed in this work are concerned with the analysis of the effect of symmetry in steady-state bifurcation problems. Lie group and singularity theory are used to analyse bifurcation problems on c with the action of the dihedral group 'D IND.N', n'> OR ='3, n'DIFFERENT'4. The aim is to obtain results on the local behavior of such problems. Normal forms and unfoldings for two generic ' D IND.3'-equivariant problems are studied and the results are applied in the traction problem for deformation of an elastic cube (mooney-rivlin material). An interesting example showing the global dynamic of a 'D IND.5'-equivariant bifurcation problem is worked out
  • Creation Date: 1991
  • Format: 107p.
  • Language: Portuguese

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